Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In too Deep

When the girl turned around toward him sitting there back at the table, long legs stretched out in from of him, he was looking through the crowd right at her. Looking at her as if she were a piece of meat, and he had not eaten in a very long time. His look was so intense, it took the girl a moment to recognize who was staring at her. The leer on his face changed into a smirk, when the girl, now self conscious in her heels, wobbled comically as she swiveled away. All she had wanted was a place to set down her drink. That is not the face a friend sees of another.
Later, back on his couch they had sat on together a million times, she let him kiss her, gentle. It was the face he showed her then, the wide open one without a mask that scared her most.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

He Tried with His Rod

He tried his best. He jammed and poked and prodded, grunting all the time. The cops interupted him just as he got his slim jim in the right spot to open her jeep door.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

He Tried Ratty

He tried talking her into longer saying her hair was to messed up now to go out in public. So they both cuddled up pretending to sleep till they could delay no longer.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

He Tried Visually

He tried to get her to notice his big blue eyes when ever she was near by opening them very very wide. She always thought he resembled ET.

He Tried Like a Schoolboy

He tried to get her to drive him to school by missing the bus. But never again when she walked him to the school door in her jammies.

He Tried with No Results

He tried to tell her he loved her, but did not know how or confidence. So he told her a woman's place was in the kitchen or the bedroom because heated words were at least something.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

He Tried Making Time

He tried to get her to wake up before sunrise to go fishing by changing the real time on the alarm clock to read 7:30 am. She tossed the noise piece off the end of the dark dock.

He Tried with Sparks

He tried to talk her into going to school to become an electrician. Lightning storms scare her less than outlets.

He Tried Audibly

When he tried to get her to work for his karaoke business on the week end, she told him she would feel more comfortable appearing in front of a crowd naked. Because at least she had some experience there.

Monday, April 05, 2010

He Tried Pumpin the Gun

He tried seducing her with his muscle, it worked cuz there is no bigger muscle on the human body than the brain.

He Tried With Steak

So when the young man tried to sell her frozen beef from the back of his van, she pointed to her cows and asked him if he wanted to buy fresh beef from her yard.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

So He Tried Control

So he tried to make it in to the house from the back pasture in time, but lost if about halfway. When she found the poopy Telly-Tubby under ware hanging on a bush almost out of sight, she threw them in the fire pit where no one would ever see.

He Tried Indian Style

The beautiful man tried to take her back to the reservation so they could have sex next to his passed out mother who was snoring on the floor, but she pretended she seen a windigo through the curtainless window and scared the passion right out of him.

He Tried Pervert

So when he tried for pull his picture ID out of his wallet to get into the prison for a job interview, the girl seen the pornographic image in the plastic sleeve and told the creep no.